Sound Design
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Ensoniq ESQ-1 Synthwave Soundset Vol1
Alesis Andromeda Soundset Vol1
Alesis Andromeda Soundset Vol2
Ensoniq DP4 DP4+ Essentials Vol1
Roland V-Synth “Analog Update” Soundset
Roland JV-1080 Patches Soundset
Roland JD-990 Patches Soundset
Roland MC-909 Sample Pack
Nord Wave Vintage Digitals
Casio CZ-1 Patches Soundset
Yamaha AN1x Patches Soundset
Tech Articles & Reviews
Roland SR-JV80 Techno Collection: The Budget Producer’s Dream in 1997
SR-JV80 Wi-Fi Expansion Board
SCAM ALERT: LFO Store website piracy exposed!
Upgrading the E5000 to E4XT Ultra + extras
Alesis QuadraVerb – 100% Wet Factory Presets Download
E-MU Emulator 4 Part3: Making sense of its Compressor, Expander and Limiter
E-MU Emulator 4 Part2: Making sense of its Compressor, Expander and Limiter
E-MU Emulator 4 Part1: Making sense of its Compressor, Expander and Limiter
Sonic difference between E-MU Emulator E4X “Classic” and the Ultra series
E-MU Emulator Ultra series – a major design flaw and a solution mod
Yamaha TX16W the hidden gem!
Roland SH-3a restoration: from sorrow to treasure!
Akai S-950 Upgrades Part5: entire S900 factory library at a press of a button
4500 free patches for Ensoniq ESQ-1, SQ-80, ESQ-m
Akai S3000 vs S3000XL the ultimate test – which is “better”?
Cult of 990 – special JD-990 soundset for Roland Zenology
Restoring my SCI Prophet 5 rev3.3
Keyboard and other music magazines content index search tool
Akai S1000 Upgrades
Finding the tightest MIDI sequencer among a dozen (measurement tests)
My Oberheim OB-X story and restoration
Roland JD-800 keys not working? Let’s fix it!
Ethical Dilemma Unveiled: A Conversation with a Student at The Royal Danish Academy Of Music Raises Concerns
Matrix 1000 Factory Presets
Korg DSS-1 Factory Library for Gotek Flash Floppy & HxC owners
Demos of a few dozen hardware Reverbs
Finally retrieved back my Yamaha VL1-m
And so I joined the Korg DSS-1 club!
Scammer alert: Julián Calvo Orquín (aka Inspektor Gadjet)
SY-77 Restoration
Akai S-950 Upgrades Part4: DD & HD floppy to image conversion
Akai S-950 Upgrades Part3: Floppy drive to HxC Gotek conversion / upgrade
Akai S-950 Upgrades Part2: LCD display upgrade and modification
Akai S-950 Upgrades Part1: Power connector upgrade & cosmetics
Don Solaris soundset for Waldorf Blofeld just became worldwide bestseller
Working for Waldorf – project Quantum 2.0 – part II
Working for Waldorf – project Quantum 2.0 – part I
Another Oberheim OB-X saved from harm
Rack electric cable management
Korg MonoPoly modification – analog white noise
Waldorf Microwave, Pulse etc. infamous Nextel faceplate repair, redo!
New LED display is too bright? Here’s the fix!
Alpha Juno keyboard fix (intermit contacts)
Boss DE-200 gain mod for keyboards
Boss CE-300 gain mod for keyboards
Waiting for hard disk ready….SKIP (solved!)
Roland JD-990 revolutionary concept two decades later
SCSI to CF “Blackbox” interface for samplers
Ensoniq TS-10 wavetable and wavesequencing monster
Moog Voyager O.S. Mods (PWM, filter poles)
Roland LCD-1 sample CD finally available on S-550!
Yamaha A4000/A5000 Review
Why using old hardware samplers?
How to upload SYX files to synthesizer via MIDI or USB
Korg Trident MkI Demo
Waldorf Streichfett Demo (making of)
The ultimate Roland JV, JD, XV F.A.Q.
Dynacord DRP-20 review
ASR-10 synthesizing industrial sounds
ASR-10 synthesizing an organ
Eventide H3000 as a formant synth
Andromeda A6 sound improvement
Deep FM bass on Roland JD/JV/XV series
How to achieve PWM on Roland’s SuperJV / XP and XV series
Roland JD emulation on Super JV and XV synthesizers
Roland JD-990 Resource Centre
Roland JD-800 Resource Centre
Synthesis types
Synthesizer basics